New Years Resolutions – Making a Will

Feb 8, 2014

glanvillesLet’s face it, we all make the same New Year’s Resolutions – lose weight, eat healthily, spend less – and most of the time we break them before the end of January!

This year why not make one resolution that you can easily stick to and that will help you and your loved ones to cope if you are no longer around.

Making a Will is often seen as something you do when you get older or if you get ill. All too often we at Glanvilles see the devastating effect of someone, firstly losing a loved one in tragic and unexpected circumstances, and secondly, having to deal with the complexities of their estate under the intestacy rules because they haven’t made a Will. Many people assume that their property and accounts will pass automatically to their loved ones but this is often not the case. In addition to this many of us now have internet based assets and accounts which can be a nightmare to track down and sort out.

Of those people who do realise how important it is to make a Will, many use DIY kits. It still amazes me that people would take such a risk with the things they have worked hard for and inadvertently cause further distress for their loved ones. They are a cheap but very dangerous option. We regularly see the effect of poorly drafted Wills which can be more harmful than no Will at all. The reality is that we have more complicated lives these days and a homemade Will is not going to do what you want it to do.

If you live with someone but are not married or in a civil partnership then it is essential that you take advice on making a Will as quickly as possible, likewise if you have children from a previous relationship, business assets, or property abroad. If your assets are worth more than £325,000 you are also likely to have to pay inheritance tax which can be mitigated if you seek professional advice.

All it takes is about an hour of your time to have your Will professionally drafted by an expert Solicitor.  At Glanvilles we offer a free initial consultation just call 527878 or email