May 13, 2019

Looking back, there have been laws aimed at protecting or improving the environment since at least Old Testament times (referencing sewage disposal!).  Since then a wide variety of laws have been developed to protect the environment. Early laws, many of which focused on the protection of rights associated with the ownership of property, indirectly protected the environment. More recent laws have been made to protect the environment itself. Globally, environmental laws apply in many countries and states and grant wide rights (such as the right to a clean and healthy environment). Environmental laws cover a huge variety of issues from local (e.g. noise control) to global (e.g. climate change control).

As for our local environment, it never ceases to amaze me how beautiful the Isle of Wight is.  I am lucky enough to visit many hidden parts of the island on my travels for home visits to those who can’t get in to the office.  As an Islander I get great pleasure in driving around discovering these new places and seeing stunning views. Recently I have been lucky enough to have been out and about helping a farmer plan for the future near Cowes looking out over spectacular countryside views and a wonderful coastal heritage site.  I have been struck with how hard farmers work to enhance the British countryside, maintain footpaths, protect watercourses and support our wildlife species. We rely on UK farmland for the food we eat and so does the country’s wildlife.  Approximately 71% of land in the UK is managed by farmers, so it is easy to see what an important role they play in helping to protect and encourage wildlife and habitats.

To make sure we protect the environment for future generations we should remember the countryside code. Respect, Protect, Enjoy.

Respect other people

  • Consider the local community and other people enjoying the outdoors
  • Leave gates and property as you find them and follow paths unless wider access is available

Protect the natural environment

  • leave no trace of your visit and take your litter home
  • keep dogs under effective control

Enjoy the outdoors

  • plan ahead and be prepared
  • follow advice and local signs


Hannah Lisseter is a Partner at Glanvilles Damant Legal Services Ltd specialising in later life planning.  For a free initial consultation call 01983 527878 or email