The much anticipated premier of ‘Rumpy Pumpy’ is coming to the Apollo Theatre in Newport from 6th – 9th March 2014! This new musical written by Island Author and Screen Writer Barbara Jane Mackie is billed as “a female Full Monty”. This comedy drama brings to life the...
The Royal Hotel, Ventnor hosted their fifth Gala Dinner, raising a massive £55,000 for the Isle of Wight Youth Trust. 165 supporters of the Isle of Wight Youth Trust enjoyed a delicious four course dinner, followed by a lively auction with a last minute addition from...
If you love watching the birds that visit your garden, why not encourage them to move in! This birdhouse is easy for children to make with the supervision and help of an adult, and you can adapt the design to suit the birds you wish to attract. You will need: Wood...
Zoe Stroud, founder and President of Cowes WI was the youngest ever branch president at the time she set it up aged 31. Zoe first became interested in joining when she saw it mentioned in the ‘Things You Must Do’ section of the now discontinued Joules magazine. The WI...